10 Foods that boost sex drive

Who knew that changing your diet could boost your sex drive? Well there are certain known foods that boost sex drive and we are here for it. Lack of sex drive can potentially strain a relationship.

Having a proper diet will make your sex better than ever because it increases energy, gets your pulse racing and blood flowing in all the right places. As much as that sexy lingerie might get you and your significant other in the mood, eating these foods will definitely do all that it takes for the both of you to have great sex.


Watermelon is one of the foods that boost sex drive as it contains an amino acid called Citrulline which has the potential to increase the libido. Citrulline works almost the same way as Viagra, as it dilates blood vessels.

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Spinach has folate which is a water-soluble B vitamin that helps in forming red blood cells. As one of the foods boost sex drive it improves blood circulation meaning you will be less fatigued.


Kiwi is one of the citrus fruits that are packing in nutrients. The kiwi fruit is a natural fertility and libido booster making it the very efficient foods that boost sex drive. If you and your partner are looking to spice things up, it may be time to bring out the kiwi.

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Bananas are a superfood in all aspects. They have multiple nutrients that make them one of the great foods that boost sex drive because they are known to have chemicals that boost mood and performance in the bedroom.

Potassium, which bananas have plenty of, improve muscle health and strong muscles are important for intense contractions during orgasms. The Bromelain in bananas boosts testosterone levels and invigorate performance in the bedroom. 

They also contain vitamin B which helps increase stamina and raise energy levels. So if you want to improve the mood in the bedroom grab those bananas.


This is one of the best foods that boost sex drive. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and this helps in triggering the release of the dopamine hormone. This gets you more excited and improves blood flow to the necessary areas. The protein in fish also boosts energy.

Chilli & Cayenne pepper

Isn’t this the ultimate way to spice up your love life, literally? Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which increases the heart rate, metabolism, and blood flow to the right area making the perfect recipe for steamy sex. 


Garlic is one of the foods that boost sex drive because it acts as a natural aphrodisiac. It contains allicin which improves blood flow to your organs. Extra blood flow means extra sensitivity and extra pleasure.


Figs increase the production of pheromones, which are the chemicals that allow us to be attracted to each other, making it one of the foods that boost sex drive on a whole other level. They also contain amino acids that help increase sexual desire and healthy blood flow to all the right places.


Over time chocolate has always been famous for increasing sexual desire. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine and serotonin which act as mood boosters and aphrodisiacs. Chocolate especially dark chocolate is among the famous foods that boost sex drive. Dark chocolate also helps release endorphins and dopamine which act as mood boosters.


Raw oysters are one of the world’s famous foods when it comes to natural aphrodisiacs. They contain dopamine, a hormone that helps to build up sex drive and libido. Oysters are rich in zinc which helps increase sperm and testosterone production.

By simply switching your diet you can have greatly improve your sex life.

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That Girl Everyday 10 foods that boost sex drive

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