10 Benefits of using coconut oil on your hair

There are multiple benefits of using coconut oil on your hair. Coconut oil has been used for centuries and is one of the super oils that have multiple uses. So how can you use coconut oil to make your hair thrive? Here are the benefits of using coconut oil on your hair.

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Hair Growth

Does your hair refuse to grow past a certain length? One of the benefits of using coconut oil is hair growth. Coconut oil is very effective because of the presence of fatty acids and vitamins. The fatty acids and vitamins help nourish the scalp and hair cuticles. You should include coconut oil in your deep conditioning treatments. Coconut oil is also very efficient in moisturizing your hair which in turn prevents breakage. It also protects your hair from protein loss and removes sebum build up from build up which in turn promotes hair growth.

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Pre Poo

Coconut oil is a great oil when it comes to pre-poo. One of the benefits of using coconut oil when pre-pooing is the protection of your hair from protein loss. Coconut oil also helps in protecting your hair from shampoo. It prevents the ingredients from stripping your hair of its natural oils. After washing your hair you should also apply some coconut oil so as to protect your hair from damage as your hair is most vulnerable when wet.

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Reduces Frizz

Coconut oil helps reduce frizz by helping smooth out the hair cuticle which prevents the hair from looking frizzy. It also helps reduce frizz by preventing the hair from absorbing moisture from the atmosphere. Moisture is usually a common reason for frizz. Applying coconut oil may help maintain frizz

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Adds Shine

Coconut oil adds a natural sheen to your hair. It’s a great moisturizer that also adds luster and shine. It also helps repair dry hair. Just apply a minimum amount to avoid your hair looking greasy.

Minimize dandruff.

Coconut oil can help reduce dandruff. Just warm some coconut oil by putting it in a container then put the container in hot water. Apply the warm oil on your scalp and massage gently. This will help reduce dandruff inflammation and flaking. Do this a couple of times and this may reduce dandruff. Coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties which can be useful for treating dandruff.

Deep condition

Coconut is great for deep conditioning because it penetrates through the shaft of the hair and the cuticles. Coconut has lauric acid which helps in strengthening the hair and allows it to penetrate the hair much better. All these properties make coconut oil the perfect deep conditioning agent.

Sun Protection

Coconut oil acts as a natural SPF and this could be particularly useful when it comes to protecting both the skin and the hair from UV rays.

Lice Prevention

Coconut oil has antibacterial properties that help deal with lice. Rubbing coconut oil on your hair and rinsing it with apple cider vinegar helps in getting rid of lice as well. If this does not do the trick, you can always visit the doctor or a specialist.

Hair loss prevention

Coconut oil aids in hair loss prevention due to the presence of Lauric acid in coconut oil which helps strengthen the hair.

Protect your hair

Coconut oil helps in protecting the hair by reducing protein loss while washing.

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