If you spend money when you’re in a bad mood this might be one of the signs you’re an emotional spender. Emotional spenders spend more when they are in a bad mood and less when they are happy. Emotional spenders buy things that make them feel better. However, this does not solve their deeper problems at the root cause, and often end up feeling worse than before spending money on these items.
One of the most common traits of an emotional spender is that they are not able to control their spending. They are always looking for something to buy or consume.
Here are some signs you’re an emotional spender;
Spend money when you’re in a bad mood
People who spend money in a bad mood are called emotional spenders. They spend more when they are in a bad mood and less when they are happy. Emotional spenders buy things that make them feel better. However, this will not solve the deeper problems at the root cause and you often end up feeling worse than before spending money on these items. If you spend money when you’re in a bad mood to make yourself feel better, you might be an emotional spender. If you shop to escape when you’re in a bad mood, this is a sign that you’re an emotional; spender.
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You Often Regret Your Purchases
If you find yourself regretting your purchases and more often than not returning your purchases, this is one of the signs you’re an emotional spender. Once you realize how much you’ve spent, you get a feeling of regret. This is because you were buying things to make yourself feel better without considering whether you need the items or not.
You Spend When You’re Financially Stressed
Stress about money is often experienced in the form of emotional spending. The more you stress about money, the more you feel the need to spend. Most of us have been in a situation where you have little to no money and you spend the little money you have on an impulse buy that’s not beneficial.
In order to understand how we spend our money, we need to first understand how emotions work. When we’re stressed about something, our brain releases a hormone called cortisol which makes us want to seek out ways to alleviate that stress. This can lead us to make impulsive decisions and spend more than we should have.
You don’t stick to your shopping list
If you find it hard to stick to a shopping list or you’re always buying things you had not intended to. This could be an indicator that you are an emotional spender.
You buy to impress
If you make purchases to impress people on social media or your friends and family. This could be an indicator. If you tend to purchase stuff just to keep up with the current trends so you can impress others chances are you might be an emotional spender.