Positive things to do for yourself in the new year

9 Positive things to do for yourself

This is the time to be intentional and make the most of your life. Most people don’t make an effort to create self-care goals. Don’t just make financial goals and career goals, make a point of doing positive things for yourself. This way you’ll live your best life physically, mentally, and emotionally. You can have everything you’ve ever wanted and still not be happy because you don’t take care of yourself. Focus on internal goals as much as you focus on external goals.

Live in the moment

We are so invested in the future we often forget to live in the moment, in the present. Be present in whatever it is that you’re doing. Learn to let go of how you think things should be and accept them as is. Stop living in the past as well, leave the past where it belongs. Start living life in the moment. Start creating the life you want to live now and stop postponing. Stop making excuses like if I had this, I would do this, situations and circumstances will never be perfect.

Be Honest

Be honest with yourself. It’s not easy being honest with yourself, it can be a painful journey but very fulfilling. Assess yourself and acknowledge your strong, good, and bad traits. If you’re not willing to be honest with yourself you can’t grow. Learn to admit when you make a mistake. Based on your past, look at your biggest failures, how you reacted to them, how they made you grow, and how you can learn from them. Remember the only thing standing between the life you have and the life you want is you and your choices.

Treat yourself like someone you love

We are usually so hard on ourselves and struggle to love ourselves. Take time and show yourself some love, you’re all you’ve got. Once you start treating yourself with love your life will be brighter, happier, and more fulfilling. The same love you give to the people you care about is the same love you should give yourself. This is one of the most positive things you can do for yourself. Put yourself first and take care of yourself first, it’s not selfish.

Loving yourself starts with liking yourself, which starts with respecting yourself, which starts with you thinking of yourself in positive ways

That Girl Every Day - Positive things to do for yourself

Be Mindful

It’s so easy to get disconnected from the small pleasures of life. Try mindful meditation to slow down your day. If you’re good at multi-tasking, you should try and stop being good at it. Focus on doing one thing at a time whenever you can. This increases your focus and concentration skills. Doing one thing at a time also prevents you from feeling overwhelmed. Experience your life, don’t just live through it.

Be Accountable

Accept and take full responsibility of your life. Being accountable for your life even when it’s out of your control is not easy. Holding yourself accountable for your life is very strategic in growing as a person. People who hold themselves accountable are more effective in accomplishing their overall goals. If you want to be successful in life accountability isn’t an option. If you make new year resolutions, towards the end of the year make sure you review and reflect on them at the end of the year. Take note of what you’ve accomplished, what you haven’t accomplished, and why you haven’t accomplished it.

Be Grateful

Be grateful for what you have as opposed to having a scarcity mentality. To be more grateful, you have to embrace the negative as well. For you to really appreciate the good in your life, you have to remember and embrace the bad experiences. Keep a gratitude journal or include a gratitude section in your daily planner and at the end of the day reflect on what you’re grateful for.

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.

Oprah Winfrey

Take it slow

It’s so easy to get absorbed in this busy, fast-paced world because of the constant need to keep up. Learning how to slow down is so important. This is one of the positive things to do for yourself. Intentionally slowing down is beneficial because it makes us more mindful and allows us to live in the present. Spend time outside taking walks, switch off your phone for at least an hour a day. Allow yourself to walk away from things that are consuming your time negatively. Unfollow that social media account that gives you anxiety. Every day, be intentional about taking it slow.

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Believe in yourself

Have confidence in yourself and everything you do. There’s power in believing in yourself, your life begins to unfold in ways you didn’t expect. Believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Believing in yourself requires a positive attitude and inspires you to take action. Besides if you don’t believe in yourself who will?

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Be more accepting

It’s important to acknowledge your reality because it can be easy to get lost in your own version of reality. Losing your grip on reality is why most people stagnate in life. Denying your current reality will not make it go away. Fully accepting your reality can be painful, but it can just be what you need to propel your life forward.

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