30 Powerful Daily Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that help in declaring something to existence. Daily affirmations help you in overcoming negative and self-sabotaging thoughts. They’re supposed to motivate you and ground you. Daily affirmations help us believe in ourselves and by saying them daily you make your subconscious more aware of your manifestations and this could help in rewiring your brain.

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Here are some Daily affirmations you should add to your list:

  1. I choose to be happy and to love myself today
  2. I am thankful for everything that I have in my life
  3. I am the architect of my life, I build its foundation and choose its contents.
  4. I am beautiful, I am bold, I am brave
  5. I am ENOUGH
  6. I am proud of myself
  7. I will not worry about things I can’t control o
  8. I have the power to change my story and create my future
  9. I possess the qualities needed to be successful in all that I do
  10. I have all that I need to make today a great day.
  11. I am a powerhouse, I am indestructible.
  12. I have full control of my actions, my thoughts, and my choices
  13. I was not made to give up
  14. I will be especially kind to myself and others today
  15. I am not my mistakes
  16. I am becoming the best version of myself
  17. Positivity is a choice, I choose to be positive
  18. No one can make me feel inferior
  19. I endeavor to be the best that I can be
  20.  I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions.
  21. I have the right to say no to others and yes to me
  22. I am transforming into the person I want to become
  23. Every day I feel more in control of my life
  24. I will remain focused on my goals
  25. I will not compare myself to others, everyone is on a different path
  26. Everything that I need will come to me at the perfect moment
  27. The challenges I face are an opportunity for growth and improvement
  28. I deserve nothing but the best
  29. I can achieve anything I set my mind to
  30. I will use my failures as a stepping stone to success.

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