How to soften cracked heels

How to soften cracked heels

Cracked heels are actually more common than you think. The first sign of cracked heels is the formation of dry thickened skin around the rim of your heel. Cracked heels are not a serious health issue however they can cause discomfort and can cause some insecurities when wearing open shoes. Factors that cause cracked heels include; standing for long hours on hardwood floors, wearing too many shoes with open backs, diabetes, preexisting skin conditions like eczema, and dry skin due to cold temperature or low humidity.

The best time to take care of cracked heels is when the thick skin starts to form around the rim of your foot. If you wait too long the cracks might actually get bigger which can lead to pain. Here’s how to soften cracked heels;


When you start to experience cracked heels, the first thing you should do is check how much water you’ve been drinking. The number one cause of cracked heels is dry skin. Dehydration leads to dry skin which leads to cracked heels and other skin issues. To prevent dry skin, you have to make sure you’re drinking enough water. If you’re wondering how to soften cracked heels, getting hydrated is the first solution to this problem. Drinking water will also soothe the cracked skin making it easier to manage.

Soak and exfoliate your feet

It’s very important to exfoliate your feet because like your face it can accumulate dead skin which can make your feet dry and start cracking. Most people have a regimen for their body and often forget their feet. They save that for the pedicure at the salon. However, not exfoliating can lead to cracked heels. Soak your feet in lukewarm water with a mild soap for 20 to 30 minutes and use a foot scrubber or a pumice stone to remove hard skin. Alternatively, you can use a chemical exfoliant to get rid of the dead skin as well.

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Use a pumice stone

If you have dead skin you can remove it with a pumice stone. If you’re using a pumice stone, make sure you’re using it when your feet are not dry. Using it on dry feet will only make your cracked heels worse. If you include a pumice stone in your foot care regimen, make sure you don’t overuse it because it will make you lose the layer of protective skin on your feet. Don’t use sharp objects on your cracked heels, this will only make them worse. If you have diabetes or any underlying health condition using a pumice stone is not advisable unless otherwise advised by your doctor.


If you’re thinking about how to soften cracked heels, moisturizer could be your answer. If you’re looking to prevent or reduced cracked heels, always ensure your feet are well moisturized. Include a humectant moisturizer in your foot care regimen. A humectant moisturizer will attract moisture from the air ensuring your feet are well moisturized. They also help reduce the loss of water from your feet to the elements. It helps in sealing the moisture. Ensuring you moisturize in the morning and in the evening is essential to treating and preventing cracked heels.

Moisturizing Socks

If you want to go HAM when it comes to protecting your feet, you can always invest in moisturizing socks. Moisturizing socks need some getting used to because they are not your regular socks. The heat from your feet helps in activating the release of oils and moisture. This will make sure your feet are hydrated effectively. You can also use cotton socks to lock in the moisture on your feet. Just apply your moisturizer and wear some nice comfy socks.

Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly works wonders when it comes to sealing moisture. Applying it after you’ve applied your foot moisturizer will ensure your feet stay hydrated. This will help soothe your cracked heels and ensure they are well moisturized. It also helps in preventing cracked heels. Using coconut oil before you use petroleum jelly can also be very helpful.

Don’t peel

It can be very tempting to peel, shave or cut off your cracked heels. However, this will only make the situation much worse and can lead to an infection. Tempting as it may be just moisturize your heels and wear socks to avoid the temptation that may come.

Wear closed shoes

If you already have cracked heels, you might want to lay off the sandals for a while. Protect your cracked heels by wearing closed shoes with a pair of socks if possible. You want to ensure your cracked heels don’t get worse. Wearing tight shoes can also make your cracked heels worse. You want to make sure you’re wearing the right shoe size.

If the cracks are extremely severe you might want to seek advice from an actual specialist.

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