There are telltale signs that your partner is sleeping with someone else. In an ideal world everyone would be honest, loving and caring but unfortunately that’s just not the case. While relationships are great they can be mentally and emotionally exhausting if there’s always doubt when it comes to trust.
Here are some signs your partner is sleeping with someone else. These signs may not necessarily mean that your partner is sleeping with someone else. They may be indicators that your partner is cheating.
Protective of their phone
If your partner has all of a sudden become overprotective of their phone, this may be a sign your partner is sleeping with someone else. You could use your partner’s phone freely and all of a sudden you start to notice changes in their phone habits. They may even go to the extent of changing the password. It just shows that there’s something they don’t want you to see.
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Always on Their Phone
When your partner is all of a sudden always on their phone and always texting while grinning this may be another sign your partner is sleeping with someone else. You can decide to infringe on their privacy and check their phone messages and caller IDs just for confirmation.
However, people have become smarter nowadays and may save the number with a name you will never suspect. or figure out. Before you go through their phone always consider what this might do to the trust in your relationship if you get caught snooping.
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You Have a Feeling That Something Is Up
If you have a powerful gut feeling that something is not right in your relationship, but you can’t quite figure out what it is you need to start evaluating your relationship. If you have a gut feeling that your partner is cheating on you, this could be one of the signs your partner is sleeping with someone else.
Humans are extremely intuitive and you should always trust your instincts. If you’ve made observations that support your instincts it may be time to confront your partner.
Always Late
If your partner all of a sudden starts to come late saying that work has been hectic or it has increased. Once in a while is okay. If it becomes a routine then it could be one of the signs your partner is sleeping with someone else.
When your partner stops coming home at their regular time or his schedule changes all of a sudden it could be a sign. You could try inquiring about his schedule or even surprise him at work with dinner just for good measure.
Showering when they get home
If there’s a new habit of showering as soon as your partner gets home from work it may be because of the new person they’re spending time with. Unless your partner is a clean freak or has a heavy activity job like construction where they’re bound to get sweaty and dirty. showering after work could be one of the signs your partner is sleeping with someone else.
Paying Too Much Attention To Their Physical Appearance
Has your partner all of a sudden started paying attention to their grooming and physical appearance? Change in their scent? Have they started focusing on the gym and their diet? Have they changed their hairstyle? These could be signs your partner is sleeping with someone else.
These signs don’t necessarily mean that he’s sleeping with someone else. Your partner may have discussed about changing their physical appearance. If this is the case then you may be overlooking the situation.
Trying New Things
Well you may have always wanted to try out new thingssexually, as a couple. However, if your partner out of the blue wants to try new things it could be one of the signs your partner is sleeping with someone else. This does not automatically mean your partner is cheating but it may be an indicator. Your partner may be testing things out with you so they can go and impress someone else with the new skills they have perfected.
You’re Underappreciated & Ignored
This is one of the major signs your partner is sleeping with someone else. If you feel like you’re no longer being appreciated or you’re being ignored or you notice they start to treat you differently your partner may be cheating. You may have hit a snag in your relationship so this may not necessarily mean he’s cheating. But, if it happens all of a sudden, you need to find out if they’re giving someone else your attention.
Change Of Habit
This is one of the obvious signs your partner is sleeping with someone else. Once someone starts to hang out often with another person, they’re bound to pick up some new habits. If they were not interested in something before at all of a sudden they’re invested in it, it could be a sign they’re hanging out with someone else. Your partner may also start leaving the room to pick phone calls. These may all be signs.
Your Partner is More Giving
This could be difficult to tell. Your partner may start showering you with gifts to show you how much they appreciate you or to cover up for something. How to know if this is a sign your partner is sleeping with someone else is a sudden change of behavior and covering up for their mistakes using gifts.
Your partner will probably get you gifts to avoid talking about the major issues in the relationship, maybe they don’t want to talk about the fact that they did not come home last night so they come bearing gifts to blindside you. If this happens more often than not then you should start evaluating their other behaviors as well.
If you’re in a long term relationship or you’re married or you live together take a close look at your partner’s finances. Numbers never lie. If they say they’re working extra hours, they should have extra income over time. However, if the income is the same you need to dig a little deeper. Check financial statements i.e. Bank or Mpesa for restaurant or hotel bills.
If the bills have increased and there are no new household expenses your partner may be spending money somewhere else or on someone else. If you notice a pattern in the statements it may be time to consult your partner.
Take Too Long To Return Calls or Texts
If you keep calling and texting your partner and they take too long to respond or return calls, it may be one of the signs your partner is sleeping with someone else. This is subjective, if your partner takes too long to respond and they were always responding in seconds you may want to find out why the change in pattern. Your partner may have gotten busy but that is no excuse, they should be courteous enough to say they’ll call you back. If you notice it has become a trend it may be a sign.
Low Libido
If your partner has low libido or is suddenly not interested in sex anymore, it could e a sign your partner is sleeping with someone else. Their libido may be low because of stress or health reasons but if it happens more often than not, then you should consider the fact that your partner is cheating on you. They may no longer desire you if they take no initiative.
No Straight Answers
If your partner has always been honest and straightforward in their communication but you can no longer get a straight answer. This could be one of the signs your partner is sleeping with someone else. They could be trying to hide something or someone.
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